Monday, December 13, 2010

What is the one thing you DO NOT want to happen when you are hosting 675 Junior High Students at a Speech and Debate tournament?!? 

A black-out! That is right 675 wonderful pre-teens captured in the dark at a tournament. What can I say? It was an adventure.

Apparently, in the speech and debate world, black-outs are prone to happen to first year coaches. After the situation was handled, I talked to a few other coaches who told me their stories. One coach was also a Theatre teacher and on the opening night of his show, the power went out. The second coach told me, something very similar happened to them and Tab had to be finished by hand! Oh no!

Anyway, the poor children had to be escorted ( some of them crying) one room at a time out of their dark prisons into the safety zone of electricity- the portable buildings. How many times do we teacher cuss those portable buildings... and now they were our saving grace. 

In true performer style, we all declared the show must go on. The finals rounds were finished and the awards ceremony was just a little late :)

Whew. This is going to make my first "REAL" year teaching a breeze. All in all. I love what I do.

<3 More to Come