Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wedding Planning

Branden and I will be engaged for two years in a week. I know! CRAZY!!!!! I love him even more. People have been asking about my wedding . I have had it planned for quite sometime :) So, I thought as a tribute to our anniversary I would showcase some of the highlights:

Place: Ashelynn Manor, hopefully outside.

Colors: Navy Blue & Yellow (with some polka dots thrown in there)

Flowers: Daisy & Hydrangea

Everything else is planned.The programs are like fans, the Matron of Honor dress is beautiful, and my dress is PERFECT.... and SOOOO much more.... but you will have to wait until the wedding.

Thank you all for the support. It has been hard being patient. I want to marry the love of my life SOOOO MUCH!!!!! All of your wishes and prayers are so appreciated. Thank you so much. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it will be two years in a week sweetness. I love you muchy muchers.
