Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wedding Planning

Branden and I will be engaged for two years in a week. I know! CRAZY!!!!! I love him even more. People have been asking about my wedding . I have had it planned for quite sometime :) So, I thought as a tribute to our anniversary I would showcase some of the highlights:

Place: Ashelynn Manor, hopefully outside.

Colors: Navy Blue & Yellow (with some polka dots thrown in there)

Flowers: Daisy & Hydrangea

Everything else is planned.The programs are like fans, the Matron of Honor dress is beautiful, and my dress is PERFECT.... and SOOOO much more.... but you will have to wait until the wedding.

Thank you all for the support. It has been hard being patient. I want to marry the love of my life SOOOO MUCH!!!!! All of your wishes and prayers are so appreciated. Thank you so much. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

What is the one thing you DO NOT want to happen when you are hosting 675 Junior High Students at a Speech and Debate tournament?!? 

A black-out! That is right 675 wonderful pre-teens captured in the dark at a tournament. What can I say? It was an adventure.

Apparently, in the speech and debate world, black-outs are prone to happen to first year coaches. After the situation was handled, I talked to a few other coaches who told me their stories. One coach was also a Theatre teacher and on the opening night of his show, the power went out. The second coach told me, something very similar happened to them and Tab had to be finished by hand! Oh no!

Anyway, the poor children had to be escorted ( some of them crying) one room at a time out of their dark prisons into the safety zone of electricity- the portable buildings. How many times do we teacher cuss those portable buildings... and now they were our saving grace. 

In true performer style, we all declared the show must go on. The finals rounds were finished and the awards ceremony was just a little late :)

Whew. This is going to make my first "REAL" year teaching a breeze. All in all. I love what I do.

<3 More to Come

Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.

"Oh Christmas Tree, oh Christmas Tree, how lovely are your...allergies!?!?!

My Families Christmas Tree (That I am not allergic to)

I have to be allergic to the two most unusual things. Christmas trees and newspaper ink. This makes the holiday season terrible for me sometimes, because some people forget to tell me their tree is real and have me unwrap ornaments that are wrapped in newspaper. LOL. I like to make fun of myself though. 

Today I convinced my future mother in-law that an artificial tree is the way for me. She has all of her kids out of the house now, so a huge tree seems a little too daunting for her. We went to the hardware store today to pick a nice, small, table topper tree.

Of course, as we drove up, there it was...(my worst nightmare) a line of REAL Christmas trees just begging for me to sneeze at. I ran to the entrance (holding my nose) and sprinting trough the door. WHEW. I made it. We found a nice tree that was 4.5 feet tall and pre-lit. Perfect for that little table in the corner. We checked out and I made another dash for the car.

Oh, silly me! My poor fiance is stuck with a FAKE tree for the rest of his life. HEHE. I am worth it though.

<3 More to Come (with pictures)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hello All!

This is my first blog. I am a future High School teacher and all of my future students have been telling me I need to get into blogging. I was a long term substitute teacher for a Communications Applications teacher and for one of the students "How To..." speeches,  she taught me how to make my own blog. So here it is...

I thought I should start off by introducing myself. My name is Regina and I love three things: 1) My fiance and my dog 2) My family and friends and 3) My calling. 

The first thing I love is my fiance. We have been engaged since April 7, 2009 and I can't wait to marry him. We already had a wedding date planned, but Branden( my fiance) was diagnosed with Chron's disease and we postponed the wedding until he gets better and I get a full time teaching position.  We have been through a lot, but it truly has made us stronger.

My family has been there for me my entire life. I have an older sister who is my best friend and the best parents ever. I also have my sorority sisters who mean the world to me (Love, Honor, Truth). 

I have also found my calling. I was in speech and debate for seven years in Junior High and High School and now I am destined to be a speech and debate coach. I LOVE IT! I am currently substituting and hope to have a full time job. As soon as I do, I will get to say, "I do"!

This is just a little bit about me.( Just in case you didn't know). I hope to keep writing in this blog as much as possible. I can get pretty busy, and I will make sure I don't break any rules:)

<3 More to come